soul guide, spiritual healer, and feminine embodiment mentor

…for the woman ready to live her most sacred, sensual, sovereign, pleasure-filled life

In service and devotion to YOU through….

+ activating your soul’s remembrance to truth

+ guiding your spiritual transformation to your most aligned self

+ unlocking your inner wild woman and sensual goddess

+ teaching you how to live connected, alive, and fully expressed

+ raising the feminine frequency on the planet through deep devotion and pleasure

+ being a stand for physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, financial, sexual sovereignty


I was always an intuitive, highly sensitive child filled with reverence for the earth and a sensitivity to hearing my souls call. I was always in nature, planting seeds, laying in the sun, talking to the animals, climbing the trees, and placing my hands on the earth. I knew that Mother Earth held the secrets of the universe. I always knew.

Even as a young child, I would question everything, including my religious upbringing and the society I was born into. I held a deep understanding of my body, spirituality, nature, and creativity.

Growing up in extreme poverty and harmful religious programming weighed very heavy on me. As I grew older, everything I had intuitively known about the world as a young child was struck down and conditioned me to believe the opposite. For a very, very long time, I lost that deep connection with myself.

In my early teens to mid 20’s, the world became completely dark. One of the lowest moments I have ever been in. I burrowed into a hole of generalized anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, self-harming behaviors, severe social anxiety, debilitating chronic pain, chronic health conditions... and I told no one.

I isolated myself completely, feeling the weight of loneliness even more. 

I was living in survival constantly, my whole life actually. I never knew what peace truly felt like from the constant trauma I experienced as a child. I lived in freeze and flight survival states, completely numb to any and all emotions. Living out negative limiting beliefs, shame, and guilt. Addicted to self-sabotaging myself any chance I got. I was spiraling in self-criticism and perfectionism stemming from low self worth. I hardly ever spoke my truth and was constantly people pleasing those around me.

I had lost all trust in myself and I truly felt that no one understood me. I felt alone and empty. I didn’t want to live anymore.

At 18, I experienced a sexual assault and suffered extreme health conditions, specifically in my womb, from painful ovarian cysts to severe hormonal imbalances, as a result of birth control.

When conventional medicine couldn’t give me answers, I instead began a journey of self healing through alternative medicine and women’s holistic health. My love for nutrition and health, that I had carried with me since childhood, is what saved me during that time in my life.

I changed my major to Nutrition as I became elated with all things natural, holistic, and alternative. I healed my ovarian cysts and painful periods naturally from all I had learned.

I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in 2018, the same year that….

My life completely fell apart…..

In 2018, my dark night of the soul began.

And all in one year…

I lost a baby through an ectopic pregnancy and had a near death experience. It had hemorrhaged in my fallopian tube causing the most excruciating pain. An emergency surgery ultimately saved my life, but also took out my left fallopian tube, leaving a deep trauma in my womb. The doctor told me that he didn’t know how I was alive.

A few months later, my younger brother was involved in an accident that left him quadriplegic, breaking his spine in multiple places and bound to a wheelchair. This family trauma caused me to spiral deeper.

A few months after that, I was hit by a car, leaving me in debilitating chronic pain.

And towards the end of the year, I was physically abused by an ex who had been sexually, physically, emotionally, and psychologically abusive to me for 5 years. I had told no one up to that point because of deep Stockholm Syndrome and a lot of shame.

After this event, I said no more, and through the midst of all despair, I finally found the courage and strength to leave this extremely toxic relationship, which set up a whole catalyst of traumatic events from him that followed for months.

I left that year broken, distraught, traumatized, and in deep mental and physical distress. But it was a much needed spiritual awakening.


Although it all seemed to be falling apart,

it was actually falling together in complete alignment to my soul’s purpose. 

I lost everything that year and gained even more back.

and I realized all that I had lost was never actually in alignment with my soul.

It has taken immense strength, courage, therapy, energy healing, shadow work, sexual healing, functional medicine, naturopathy, and embodiment to heal.

And every. single. day I am living my life in devotion to healing.

The years following, I have devoted my life to evolving by…..

rewiring my subconscious mind, healing trauma loops, regulating my nervous system, activating my dna, communing with Mother Earth, quantum leaping, speaking my truth, loving and integrating my shadows, unearthing my trauma, nurturing my inner child, feeling all my emotions, eating whole foods, listening to my deep inner wisdom, channeling the spiritual realms, unlearning, remembering, praying, creating, crying, screaming, and embodying.

And there is so much I continue to heal and grow.

Download my FREE emotional freedom guide to help you on your healing journey.


I am thankful for that year of my life because without it, I wouldn't be here writing these words to you.

My greatest setbacks have become my greatest teachers.

and everything I have ever went through, helped me remember who I truly was.

Deep down, I knew who I was. I always did. That part of me never left. It was just buried deep under trauma, programming, and limiting subconscious beliefs. Through multiple spiritual awakenings and deep traumas that shook me to my core, I finally woke up to my divinity.

Although I believe that isolation is a deep healing, I believe vulnerability is as well and I knew my story was ready to be shared. Not only was I supposed to come out of the deep darkness I was once trapped in, but my story was meant to too.

And this is how I serve…

I am a true reflection that you CAN heal and you can live a beautiful life, no matter what you have gone through.

Maybe you have resonated with parts of my story or have felt similar emotions and limiting beliefs as I have, and I want you to know…


If I can heal, I promise you can too.

& I am here to guide you on your path to healing and liberation.

You are ready.

Because you're reading this, I know you are ready to go all in on your healing and step into your highest alignment now.

You have this deep power within you. It’s waiting for you to become conscious and shed those old, limiting beliefs that don’t serve you anymore.

You may feel lost, but everything you need is already within you waiting to be remembered.

The moment you choose this healing journey, is the moment you also choose liberation and freedom.

This work is deep and can take many years to navigate alone. I know….I have done it. I went many years obtaining knowledge and navigating my healing. The process was slow, filled with doubt, and little support from those around me who didn’t understand. I paved my own path to healing. The moment I worked with a coach, I was amazed at how fast my healing and life accelerated.

Having a coach and guide collapses time for you and quantum leaps you years in advance. They understand you deeply because they have walked this same path and can guide you. They guide you into an expanded way of being and can hold a healing space for you. They become your friend, mentor, inspiration, and support system.

You are meant to speak your truth, be in sacred alignment to your soul, live in pleasure and happiness, honor your sovereignty, and rekindle your feminine energy.

It’s all waiting for you to align to it.


I am a Certified Hypnotherapist, Life and Success Coach, NLP and EFT Practitioner, Neural Energetic Encoding Practitioner, 500-hour Yoga and Meditation Teacher, and Breathwork Facilitator. I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition Sciences.

I am a spiritual channel and Earth intuitive. I use these high vibrational abilities during client sessions as well.

My deepest healings have come through shadow work, pleasure practices, sexual healing, feminine embodiment, somatic therapy, hypnosis, and subconscious work. Which is everything I teach my clients.

My mission is to anchor heaven on earth through embodiment. pleasure. expansion. sovereignty. health.

and to serve you and support you in reaching your highest alignment.


Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Sciences from The University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Sciences from The University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Certified Clinical Hypnosis, NLP, EFT, NEE, and Life and Success Coach through the             Yes Supply Method

Certified Clinical Hypnosis, NLP, EFT, NEE, and Life and Success Coach through the Yes Supply Method

500-hr Yoga and Meditation Teacher,    certified through YogaWorks

500-hr Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher, Breathwork Facilitator. Certified through YogaWorks


MY E N E R G Y F I E L D….